Braeburn apple is perfect to be tasted in all ways: raw as a snack, baked as an ingredient in sweet and savory recipes. The peel is rich in colours: yellow, green, orange and red. The pulp does not blacken immediately when in contact to the air. It is an apple rich in C vitamin and preserves its properties for a long time.Â

Braeburn apple is medium in dimensions and firm to the touch. It has an elongated shape and the peel is smooth and brilliant. It has a yellow-greenish colour with vertical veins that could be orange or red. The pulp has a cream color, is firm and with a fine structure.Â
The apple has an aromatic taste, with a good swett-sour balance. The pulp is very crunchy and juicy.Â
Braeburn apples are available from the beginning of October until the end of May.